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TR Student Awards & Bursary Program
ATRA sees the promise of our professional future in our Therapeutic Recreation Students
It takes a team comprised of the educational institution, the student and the students clinical preceptor to prepare an individual to enter the profession as a competent health care provider.
In recognition of this work, ATRA's Membership Award program provides four awards and one bursary. Please take note of the different deadlines for nominations.
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ATRA Entry to Practice Bursary
Outstanding Student Leader Award
Is your Clinical Preceptor the Best? Nominate them for the Outstanding Preceptor Award
Conference Bursary Programs - Log into the Member section, select Member Services, then select ATRA Bursary Programs. ATRA Student Members are eligible to apply for funding to attend the ATRA Symposium, CTRA Conference, and Allied Health Conferences. Watch for application open dates and deadlines
Not an ATRA Student Member? You can apply at any time. Please see the Member Application page.