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Regulation - For Employers

The Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) is the provincial body representing the profession since its inception in 1985.  It is a voluntary association that in the absence of regulation has provided governance to its members through establishing standards of practice, a code of ethics, entry to practice requirements and a continuing competence program.  ATRA is registered under the Societies Act and is currently pursuing regulation under the Health Professions Act (HPA). 

Regulation of recreation therapists in Alberta would provide:

  • Title protection.
  • Mandatory registration.
  • Assurance that all recreation therapists in Alberta are meeting the standards of practice, code of ethics, education and continuing competence requirements.
  • Additional protection to clients from abuse and misconduct.
  • Heighten the awareness, confidence and expectations of the public, clients, health employers and other health professionals.
  • A clear public interest mandate that would enable education of the public as to the role of a recreation therapist in a collaborative healthcare team.
  • Public access to the appropriate services that they require, as there would be clear expectations of the service provided and clinical outcomes to be obtained by the recreation therapist.

We thank you for supporting the recreation therapists of Alberta with our quest to become a regulated profession.